mod_spline_functions.f08 Source File


Source Code

! =============================================================================
!> Module that calculates the finite element basis functions.
!! The different basis functions and their derivatives
!! used throughout the code are calculated here. All routines defined in
!! this module simply return the basis functions for a specific point <tt>r</tt>
!! in the interval <tt>(rj_lo, rj_hi)</tt>.
module mod_spline_functions
  use mod_global_variables, only: dp
  implicit none


  public :: quadratic_factors
  public :: quadratic_factors_deriv
  public :: cubic_factors
  public :: cubic_factors_deriv
  public :: cubic_factors_deriv2


  !> Calculates the quadratic basis functions.
  subroutine quadratic_factors(r, rj_lo, rj_hi, h_quadratic)
    !> current position for r in the grid interval
    real(dp), intent(in)  :: r
    !> left edge of the grid interval
    real(dp), intent(in)  :: rj_lo
    !> right edge of the grid interval
    real(dp), intent(in)  :: rj_hi
    !> array containing the quadratic basis functions for this grid interval
    real(dp), intent(out) :: h_quadratic(4)

    h_quadratic(1) = 4.0d0 * (r - rj_lo) * (rj_hi - r) / (rj_hi - rj_lo)**2
    h_quadratic(2) = 0.0d0
    h_quadratic(3) = (2.0d0*r - rj_hi - rj_lo) * (r - rj_lo) / (rj_hi - rj_lo)**2
    h_quadratic(4) = (2.0d0*r - rj_hi - rj_lo) * (r - rj_hi) / (rj_hi - rj_lo)**2
  end subroutine quadratic_factors

  !> Calculates the derivatives of the quadratic basis functions.
  subroutine quadratic_factors_deriv(r, rj_lo, rj_hi, dh_quadratic_dr)
    !> current position for r in the grid interval
    real(dp), intent(in)  :: r
    !> left edge of the grid interval
    real(dp), intent(in)  :: rj_lo
    !> right edge of the grid interval
    real(dp), intent(in)  :: rj_hi
    !> array containing the derivatives of the quadratic basis functions
    !! for this grid interval
    real(dp), intent(out) :: dh_quadratic_dr(4)

    dh_quadratic_dr(1) = 4.0d0 * (-2.0d0*r + rj_hi + rj_lo) / (rj_hi - rj_lo)**2
    dh_quadratic_dr(2) = 0.0d0
    dh_quadratic_dr(3) = (4.0d0*r - rj_hi - 3.0d0*rj_lo) / (rj_hi - rj_lo)**2
    dh_quadratic_dr(4) = (4.0d0*r - rj_lo - 3.0d0*rj_hi) / (rj_hi - rj_lo)**2
  end subroutine quadratic_factors_deriv

  !> Calculates the cubic basis functions.
  subroutine cubic_factors(r, rj_lo, rj_hi, h_cubic)
    !> current position for r in the grid interval
    real(dp), intent(in)  :: r
    !> left edge of the grid interval
    real(dp), intent(in)  :: rj_lo
    !> right edge of the grid interval
    real(dp), intent(in)  :: rj_hi
    !> array containing the cubic basis functions for this grid interval
    real(dp), intent(out) :: h_cubic(4)

    h_cubic(1) =  3.0d0 * ( (r - rj_lo) / (rj_hi - rj_lo) )**2 &
                 -2.0d0 * ( (r - rj_lo) / (rj_hi - rj_lo) )**3
    h_cubic(2) =  3.0d0 * ( (rj_hi - r) / (rj_hi - rj_lo) )**2 &
                 -2.0d0 * ( (rj_hi - r) / (rj_hi - rj_lo) )**3
    h_cubic(3) = (r - rj_hi) * ( (r - rj_lo) / (rj_hi - rj_lo) )**2
    h_cubic(4) = (r - rj_lo) * ( (rj_hi - r) / (rj_hi - rj_lo) )**2
  end subroutine cubic_factors

  !> @brief Calculates the derivatives of the cubic basis functions.
  subroutine cubic_factors_deriv(r, rj_lo, rj_hi, dh_cubic_dr)
    !> current position for r in the grid interval
    real(dp), intent(in)  :: r
    !> left edge of the grid interval
    real(dp), intent(in)  :: rj_lo
    !> right edge of the grid interval
    real(dp), intent(in)  :: rj_hi
    !> array containing the derivatives of the cubic basis functions
    !! for this grid interval
    real(dp), intent(out) :: dh_cubic_dr(4)

    dh_cubic_dr(1) =  6.0d0 * (r - rj_lo) / (rj_hi - rj_lo)**2 &
                     -6.0d0 * (r - rj_lo)**2 / (rj_hi - rj_lo)**3
    dh_cubic_dr(2) = -6.0d0 * (rj_hi - r) / (rj_hi - rj_lo)**2 &
                     +6.0d0 * (rj_hi - r)**2 / (rj_hi - rj_lo)**3
    dh_cubic_dr(3) = ( 2.0d0*(r - rj_hi) * (r - rj_lo) + (r - rj_lo)**2 ) &
                     / (rj_hi - rj_lo)**2
    dh_cubic_dr(4) = ( 2.0d0*(r - rj_lo) * (r - rj_hi) + (r - rj_hi)**2 ) &
                     / (rj_hi - rj_lo)**2
  end subroutine cubic_factors_deriv

  !> @brief Calculates the second derivatives of the cubic basis functions.
  subroutine cubic_factors_deriv2(r, rj_lo, rj_hi, ddh_cubic_dr)
    !> current position for r in the grid interval
    real(dp), intent(in)  :: r
    !> left edge of the grid interval
    real(dp), intent(in)  :: rj_lo
    !> right edge of the grid interval
    real(dp), intent(in)  :: rj_hi
    !> array containing the derivatives of the cubic basis functions
    !! for this grid interval
    real(dp), intent(out) :: ddh_cubic_dr(4)

    ddh_cubic_dr(1) =  6.0d0 / (rj_hi - rj_lo)**2 &
                     - 12.0d0 * (r - rj_lo) / (rj_hi - rj_lo)**3
    ddh_cubic_dr(2) = 6.0d0 / (rj_hi - rj_lo)**2 &
                     - 12.0d0 * (rj_hi - r) / (rj_hi - rj_lo)**3
    ddh_cubic_dr(3) = ( 2.0d0 * (r - rj_lo) + 2.0d0 * (r - rj_hi) &
                      + 2.0d0 * (r - rj_lo) ) / (rj_hi - rj_lo)**2
    ddh_cubic_dr(4) = ( 2.0d0 * (r - rj_hi) + 2.0d0 * (r - rj_lo) &
                      + 2.0d0 * (r - rj_hi) ) / (rj_hi - rj_lo)**2
  end subroutine cubic_factors_deriv2

end module mod_spline_functions