solve_linear_system_complex_banded_LU Function

public function solve_linear_system_complex_banded_LU(bandmatrix, vector, LU, ipiv) result(xvector)

Calculates the solution to a system of linear equations where is a complex banded matrix and is a complex vector. Uses the LU factorisation of and pivoting information from zgbtrf.


type(banded_matrix_t), intent(in) :: bandmatrix

the banded -matrix on the left-hand side

complex(kind=dp), intent(in) :: vector(:)

the -vector on the right-hand side

complex(kind=dp), intent(in) :: LU(:,:)

the LU factorisation of , from zgbtrf

integer, intent(in) :: ipiv(:)

the pivoting information from zgbtrf

Return Value complex(kind=dp)(size(vector))

the solution vector

