Source code for pylbo.visualisation.modes.cylindrical_2d

from __future__ import annotations

import warnings
from typing import Union

import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from import ScalarMappable
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
from pylbo._version import _mpl_version
from pylbo.visualisation.modes.cartesian_2d import CartesianSlicePlot2D
from pylbo.visualisation.modes.mode_data import ModeVisualisationData

[docs]class CylindricalSlicePlot2D(CartesianSlicePlot2D): """ Class for handling cylindrical 2D plots of the eigenmode solutions. Parameters ---------- data : ModeVisualisationData The data for the visualisation. u2 : float or ndarray The :math:`\\theta` coordinate of the eigenmode solution. u3 : float or ndarray The :math:`z` coordinate of the eigenmode solution. time : float The time at which the eigenmode solution is calculated. slicing_axis : str The axis along which the eigenmode solution is sliced. figsize : tuple[int, int] The size of the figure. show_ef_panel : bool Whether to show the eigenfunction panel. polar : bool Whether to use polar coordinates for the plot. **kwargs Additional keyword arguments to be passed to :meth:`matplotlib.pyplot.pcolormesh`. """ def __init__( self, data: ModeVisualisationData, u2: Union[float, np.ndarray], u3: Union[float, np.ndarray], time: float, slicing_axis: str, figsize: tuple[int, int], show_ef_panel: bool, polar: bool, **kwargs, ) -> None: self._use_polar_axes = polar super().__init__( data, u2, u3, time, slicing_axis, figsize, show_ef_panel, **kwargs )
[docs] def set_plot_arrays(self) -> None: if self.slicing_axis == self._u2axis: return super().set_plot_arrays() self.solution_shape = (len(self._u1), len(self._u2)) for ef, omega in zip(, data = np.broadcast_to(ef, shape=reversed(self.solution_shape)).transpose() self.ef_data.append({"ef": data, "omega": omega}) r_2d, theta_2d = np.meshgrid(, self._u2, indexing="ij") self.u1_data = r_2d self.u2_data = theta_2d self.u3_data = self._u3 self.time_data = self._time
[docs] def _draw_image(self) -> None: if self.slicing_axis == self._u2axis: return super()._draw_image() if self._use_polar_axes: xdata = self.u2_data ydata = self.u1_data if _mpl_version >= "3.5": # auto-grid removal deprecates from MPL 3.5 onwards else: xdata = self.u1_data * np.cos(self.u2_data) ydata = self.u1_data * np.sin(self.u2_data) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=UserWarning) self._view = xdata, ydata,, **self._kwargs ) self.cbar = self.fig.colorbar( ScalarMappable(norm=self._view.norm, cmap=self._view.cmap), cax=self.cbar_ax )
[docs] def _draw_contours(self) -> None: if self.slicing_axis == self._u2axis: return super()._draw_contours() additional_kwargs = {} if self._contour_levels is not None: additional_kwargs["levels"] = self._contour_levels if self._use_polar_axes: xdata = self.u2_data ydata = self.u1_data else: xdata = self.u1_data * np.cos(self.u2_data) ydata = self.u1_data * np.sin(self.u2_data) self._view = self._contour_recipe( xdata, ydata,, vmin=self.vmin, vmax=self.vmax, **additional_kwargs, **self._kwargs, ) self.cbar = self.fig.colorbar( ScalarMappable(norm=self._view.norm, cmap=self._view.cmap), cax=self.cbar_ax )
[docs] def draw_eigenfunction(self) -> None: super().draw_eigenfunction() if self._show_ef_panel: self.axes["eigfunc"].set_xlabel(
[docs] def get_view_xlabel(self) -> str: if self._use_polar_axes: return "" if self.slicing_axis == self._u3axis: return "x" return super().get_view_xlabel()
[docs] def get_view_ylabel(self) -> str: if self._use_polar_axes: return "" if self.slicing_axis == self._u3axis: return "y" return super().get_view_ylabel()
[docs] def _create_figure_layout(self, figsize: tuple[int, int]) -> tuple[Figure, dict]: if self.slicing_axis == self._u2axis: return super()._create_figure_layout(figsize) fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) polar = self._use_polar_axes if self._show_ef_panel: ax1 = fig.add_axes([0.1, 0.7, 0.8, 0.2]) ax2 = fig.add_axes([0.25, 0.1, 0.5, 0.5], aspect="equal", polar=polar) else: ax1 = None ax2 = fig.add_axes([0.1, 0.1, 0.8, 0.8], aspect="equal", polar=polar) if polar: self._cbar_hspace = 0.05 return fig, {"eigfunc": ax1, "view": ax2}