Source code for pylbo.visualisation.eigenfunctions.eigfunc_interface

from __future__ import annotations

import abc

import matplotlib.patches as patches
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from matplotlib.collections import PathCollection
from pylbo.data_containers import LegolasDataSeries, LegolasDataSet
from pylbo.utilities.logger import pylboLogger
from pylbo.utilities.toolbox import (

[docs]def get_artist_data(artist: plt.Artist) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """ Returns the (x, y) coordinates of a given artist. Parameters ---------- artist : ~matplotlib.artist.Artist The artist to get the data from. Returns ------- tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray] The (x, y) coordinates of the artist. """ if isinstance(artist, PathCollection): # this block is entered for points drawn using scatter instead of plot xdata, ydata = np.split(artist.get_offsets(), [-1], axis=1) xdata = xdata.squeeze(axis=1) ydata = ydata.squeeze(axis=1) else: xdata = artist.get_xdata() ydata = artist.get_ydata() return xdata, ydata
[docs]class EigenfunctionInterface: __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta def __init__(self, data, axis, spec_axis): = data self.axis = axis self.spec_axis = spec_axis self._check_data_is_present() # holds the points that are currently selected in the form of a "double" dict: # {"ds instance" : {"index" : line2D instance}} self._selected_idxs = {} self._use_real_part = True self._selected_name_idx = 0 self._function_names = None self._retransform = False self._condition_to_make_transparent = None self._transparent_data = False self._unmarked_alpha = None self._ef_subset_artists = None self._display_tooltip() self._draw_resonances = False
[docs] def _check_data_is_present(self): """ Checks if the required data is present to draw for example eigenfunctions, is overloaded in subclasses. """ pass
[docs] def _artist_has_valid_attributes(self, event): """ Checks if a given event has valid attributes, this prevents triggering the interface when clicking on legend items, for example. Parameters ---------- event : ~matplotlib.backend_bases.PickEvent The pick event. Returns ------- bool `True` if all conditions are met and callbacks can be connected, `False` otherwise. """ if not event.mouseevent.inaxes == self.spec_axis: return False artist = event.artist # this attr has been set when adding the legend, return for legend items if hasattr(artist, "is_legend_item"): return False if not hasattr(artist, "dataset"): return False return True
[docs] def _clear_figure_and_selection(self): """ Clears the current figure, clears the dictionary of selected eigenvalues. """ for ds_artist_dict in self._selected_idxs.values(): for artist in ds_artist_dict.values(): artist.remove() self._selected_idxs.clear() self.axis.clear() self._display_tooltip()
[docs] def _switch_real_and_imaginary_part(self): """ Switches between the real and imaginary part of a given function. """ self._use_real_part = not self._use_real_part
[docs] def _select_next_function(self): """ Increments the index of the currently selected function by 1. """ self._selected_name_idx += 1 if self._selected_name_idx > len(self._function_names) - 1: self._selected_name_idx = 0
[docs] def _select_previous_function(self): """ Decrements the index of the currently selected function by 1. """ self._selected_name_idx -= 1 if self._selected_name_idx < 0: self._selected_name_idx = len(self._function_names) - 1
[docs] def _retransform_functions(self): """ Toggles a retransform of a function, for example an eigenfunction :math:`v_r \\leftrightarrow rv_r`" """ self._retransform = not self._retransform
[docs] def _print_selected_eigenvalues(self): """ Prints all selected eigenvalues to the console as an array. """ if not self._selected_idxs: return print("Currently selected eigenvalues:") for ds, points in self._selected_idxs.items(): idxs = np.array([int(idx) for idx in points.keys()]) print(f"{ds.datfile.stem} | {ds.eigenvalues[idxs]}")
[docs] def _save_eigenvalue_selection(self): """ Saves all selected eigenvalues and their eigenfunctions as a list of dictionaries in a .npy file. Files can be loaded with the numpy load function. """ if not self._selected_idxs: return count = 1 for ds in self._selected_idxs: print(f"Saving selected eigenvalues for dataset {count}...") to_store = [ds.ef_grid] for point in self._selected_idxs[ds]: point_to_store = ds.get_eigenfunctions(ev_idxs=int(point))[0] to_store.append(point_to_store) filename = filename = filename.replace(".dat", ""), to_store) print(f"{len(to_store)-1} mode(s) saved to " + filename + ".npy") count += 1
[docs] def _save_selection_indices(self): """ Saves the indices of all selected eigenvalues as an array in a .npy file. Files can be loaded with the numpy load function. """ if not self._selected_idxs: return count = 1 for ds in self._selected_idxs: print(f"Saving indices of selected eigenvalues for dataset {count}...") to_store = [] for point in self._selected_idxs[ds]: to_store.append(int(point)) filename = filename = filename.replace(".dat", ""), to_store) print( f"{len(self._selected_idxs[ds])} indices saved to " + filename + ".npy" ) count += 1
[docs] def _print_nzeroes(self): """ Counts and prints the number of zeroes of the eigenfunctions for all selected eigenvalues on the plot, together with eigvals. """ if not self._selected_idxs: return "Currently selected eigenvalues and number of zeroes " "of their eigenfunctions:" ) ef_name = self._function_names[self._selected_name_idx] for ds, points in self._selected_idxs.items(): idxs = np.array([int(idx) for idx in points.keys()]) ef_container = ds.get_eigenfunctions(ev_idxs=idxs) eigfuncs = np.zeros((len(idxs), len(ds.ef_grid)), dtype="complex") current_index = 0 for ev_idx, efs in zip(idxs, ef_container): eigfuncs[current_index] = efs.get(ef_name) current_index += 1 nzeroes = count_zeroes(eigfuncs) f"{ds.datfile.stem} | {dict(zip(ds.eigenvalues[idxs], nzeroes))}" )
[docs] def _get_label(self, ds, ev_idx, w): """ Returns the label used in the legend. In case of a data series, the datfile name is prepended. Parameters ---------- ds : ~pylbo.data_containers.LegolasDataSet The current dataset ev_idx : int The index of the current eigenvalue in the corresponding array w : float, complex The eigenvalue to use in the label Returns ------- str The label to use in the legend. """ label = rf"$\omega_{{{ev_idx}}}$ = {w:2.3e}" if isinstance(, LegolasDataSeries): label = f"{ds.datfile.stem} | {label}" return label
[docs] def _get_title(self): """ Creates the title of a given plot, has to be overridden in a subclass. """ pass
[docs] def update_plot(self): """ Updates the plot when an event is triggered, clears and then redraws the functions. Rescaling of the axes is done automatically. Has to be overridden in a subclass. """ pass
[docs] def on_point_pick(self, event): """ Determines what happens when an eigenvalue is clicked. Parameters ---------- event : ~matplotlib.backend_bases.PickEvent The pick event. """ if not self._artist_has_valid_attributes(event): return # retrieve limits to prevent resetting zoom ax = event.artist.axes xlim = ax.get_xlim() ylim = ax.get_ylim() if event.mouseevent.button == 1: self.on_left_click(event) elif event.mouseevent.button == 3: self.on_right_click(event) ax.set_xlim(xlim) ax.set_ylim(ylim) event.artist.figure.canvas.draw()
[docs] def on_key_press(self, event): """ Determines what happens when a key is pressed. Parameters ---------- event : ~matplotlib.backend_bases.KeyEvent The key event. """ if event.key == "m": self._mark_points_without_data_written() elif event.key == "d": self._clear_figure_and_selection() elif event.key == "i": self._switch_real_and_imaginary_part() elif event.key == "e": self._toggle_eigenfunction_subset_radius() elif event.key == "up": self._select_next_function() elif event.key == "down": self._select_previous_function() elif event.key == "t": self._retransform_functions() elif event.key == "w": self._print_selected_eigenvalues() elif event.key == "n": self._print_nzeroes() elif event.key == "a": self._save_eigenvalue_selection() elif event.key == "j": self._save_selection_indices() if event.key in ("enter", "up", "down", "i", "t"): self.update_plot() event.canvas.draw()
[docs] def on_left_click(self, event): """ Determines what happens when left-clicking an eigenvalue. Parameters ---------- event : ~matplotlib.backend_bases.PickEvent The pick event. """ idx, xdata, ydata = self._get_clicked_point_data(event) associated_ds = event.artist.dataset # skip if point index is already in list if str(idx) in self._selected_idxs.get(associated_ds, {}).keys(): return # skip if point has no eigenfunction due to e.g. subset if not self._selected_point_has_eigenfunctions(associated_ds, idx): return (marked_point,) = event.artist.axes.plot( xdata, ydata, "x", markersize=8, label="marked_point", alpha=0.7, markeredgewidth=3, ) add_pickradius_to_item(item=marked_point, pickradius=1) # get items corresponding to this ds items = self._selected_idxs.get(associated_ds, {}) items.update({f"{idx}": marked_point}) self._selected_idxs.update({associated_ds: items}) self.update_plot()
[docs] def on_right_click(self, event): """ Determines what happens when right-clicking an eigenvalue. Parameters ---------- event : ~matplotlib.backend_bases.PickEvent The pick event. """ idx, _, _ = self._get_clicked_point_data(event) # remove selected index from list associated_ds = event.artist.dataset selected_artist = self._selected_idxs.get(associated_ds, {}).pop(str(idx), None) if selected_artist is not None: selected_artist.remove() # if no items remaining for this ds, remove key if len(self._selected_idxs[associated_ds]) == 0: self._selected_idxs.pop(associated_ds) self.update_plot()
[docs] def _get_clicked_point_data(self, event): """ Retrieves the index (in the eigenvalue array), x data coordinate and y data coordinate of the eigenvalue nearest to the clicked point. Parameters ---------- event : ~matplotlib.backend_bases.PickEvent The pick event. Returns ------- idx : integer The index of the selected point in the eigenvalue array xdata : float The x data coordinate of the selected eigenvalue ydata : float The y data coordinate of the selected eigenvalue """ artist = event.artist idxs = event.ind xdata, ydata = get_artist_data(artist) # In case of overlap between clicked points then multiple # indices were selected, so we check smallest distance to mouse click if len(idxs) == 1: idx = idxs[0] else: mouse_x = event.mouseevent.xdata mouse_y = event.mouseevent.ydata distances = (mouse_x - xdata[idxs]) ** 2 + (mouse_y - ydata[idxs]) ** 2 idx = idxs[distances.argmin()] return idx, xdata[idx], ydata[idx]
[docs] def _selected_point_has_eigenfunctions(self, ds, idx): """ Checks if the selected index has eigenfunctions associated with it, in the case of for example eigenfunction subsets this is not guaranteed. Parameters ---------- ds : ~pylbo.data_containers.LegolasDataSet The dataset associated with the given eigenvalue index idx : int The index of the selected eigenvalue Returns ------- bool Returns `True` if `idx` corresponds to an eigenvalue with eigenfunctions, `False` otherwise. """ point_has_efs = idx in ds.header["ef_written_idxs"] if not point_has_efs: pylboLogger.warning( f"eigenvalue {ds.eigenvalues[idx]} has no eigenfunctions!" ) return point_has_efs
[docs] def _toggle_eigenfunction_subset_radius(self): if not isinstance(, LegolasDataSet): return if not return xlim = self.spec_axis.get_xlim() ylim = self.spec_axis.get_ylim() if self._ef_subset_artists is None: center =["ef_subset_center"] (subset_center,) = self.spec_axis.plot( np.real(center), np.imag(center), ".r", markersize=8, alpha=0.8 ) subset_center.set_visible(False) radius =["ef_subset_radius"] circle = plt.Circle( (np.real(center), np.imag(center)), radius, edgecolor="red", facecolor="none", lw=2, ) circle.set_visible(False) self.spec_axis.add_patch(circle) self._ef_subset_artists = {"center": subset_center, "circle": circle} for artist in self._ef_subset_artists.values(): artist.set_visible(not artist.get_visible()) self.spec_axis.set_xlim(xlim) self.spec_axis.set_ylim(ylim)
[docs] def _mark_points_without_data_written(self): """ For dataseries, it is possible that not all datasets in the series have eigenfunctions associated with them. This routine will toggle a change in the opacity value for datapoints with no functions, so they are clearly distinguishable from those who do have them. """ if not isinstance(, LegolasDataSeries): return if all(getattr(, self._condition_to_make_transparent)): return self._transparent_data = not self._transparent_data for ax in self.axis.figure.get_axes(): for child in ax.get_children(): # the ones with this attribute are all vertical rows of datapoints if hasattr(child, "dataset"): if self._unmarked_alpha is None: self._unmarked_alpha = child.get_alpha() if not getattr(child.dataset, self._condition_to_make_transparent): child.set_alpha(0) else: child.set_alpha(self._unmarked_alpha)
[docs] def _display_tooltip(self): tooltip_values = [ [r"$\mathbf{L~click}$", "select spectrum point"], [r"$\mathbf{R~click}$", "remove spectrum point"], [r"$\mathbf{\hookleftarrow}$", "update plot"], [r"$\mathbf{\uparrow}$", "cycle to next eigenfunction"], [r"$\mathbf{\downarrow}$", "cycle to previous eigenfunction"], [r"$\mathbf{i}$", r"switch real $\leftrightarrow$ imaginary"], [r"$\mathbf{d}$", "clear selection"], [r"$\mathbf{t}$", r"cylindrical: toggle $v_r \leftrightarrow r v_r$"], [r"$\mathbf{w}$", r"print selected $\omega$ to console"], [r"$\mathbf{e}$", r"subset: toggle center and radius"], [r"$\mathbf{a}$", r"save eigenvalue selection"], [r"$\mathbf{j}$", r"save selection indices"], ] bbox = np.array([0.1, 0.3, 0.8, 0.4]) rectangle = patches.Rectangle( xy=0.95 * bbox[0:2], width=1.05 * bbox[2], height=1.05 * bbox[3], facecolor="lightgrey", alpha=0.3, ) self.axis.add_patch(rectangle) table = self.axis.table( cellText=tooltip_values, bbox=bbox, cellLoc="center", edges="open", alpha=0.5, ) table.scale(1, 1.5) table.auto_set_column_width(col=list(range(len(tooltip_values[0])))) # table title self.axis.text( 0.5, 1.05 * (bbox[1] + bbox[3]), "Interactive eigenfunction plotting", ha="center", va="center", weight="bold", )
[docs] def _invert_continua(self, ds, ev_idx): """ Calculates the locations of resonance with the continua for a specific eigenmode. Parameters ---------- ef_idx : int The number of the eigenvalue in the dataset. Returns ------- r_inv : dict Dictionary of continua names and inverted resonance locations (float, or None if not in domain). labels : dict Dictionary containing the corresponding labels to be printed when drawing the locations of resonance. """ CONTINUUM_LABELS = { "slow-": r"$r(\Omega_S^-)", "slow+": r"$r(\Omega_S^+)", "alfven-": r"$r(\Omega_A^-)", "alfven+": r"$r(\Omega_A^+)", "thermal": r"$r(\Omega_T)", "doppler": r"$r(\Omega_0)", } r_inv = dict() labels = dict() eigfuncs = ds.get_eigenfunctions(ev_idxs=[ev_idx]) sigma = eigfuncs[0].get("eigenvalue") continua_keys = ds.continua.keys() for continuum_key in continua_keys: continuum = ds.continua[continuum_key] if np.allclose(continuum, 0, atol=1e-12): continue # removes duplicates continuum = np.array(continuum, dtype=complex) r_inv_temp = invert_continuum_array(continuum, ds.grid_gauss, sigma) r_inv[continuum_key] = r_inv_temp labels[continuum_key] = CONTINUUM_LABELS[continuum_key] if ds.gamma > 1e3: # Approximation for incompressibility currently implemented. del r_inv["slow-"] del r_inv["slow+"] return r_inv, labels
[docs] def _show_resonances(self, ds, ev_idx, color): """ Shows the locations of resonance with the continua. There is a different linestyle for every continuum. """ RESONANCE_STYLES = { "slow-": "dotted", "slow+": "dotted", "alfven-": "dashed", "alfven+": "dashed", "thermal": "solid", "doppler": "dashdot", } r_inv, labels = self._invert_continua(ds, ev_idx) cont_keys = r_inv.keys() for cont_key in cont_keys: if r_inv[cont_key] is not None: self.axis.axvline( x=r_inv[cont_key], linestyle=RESONANCE_STYLES[cont_key], color=color, alpha=0.4, )